Sunday, June 15, 2008

And another thing...

The point of my re-vamping my blog was to re-inspire my interest in things cultural, basically. (And possibly to procrastinate in writing a hellish conference paper). A very apt poem by Dorothy Parker says

Travel, trouble, music, art,
A kiss, a frock, a rhyme -
I never said they feed my heart
But still they pass my time.

twilight is not good for maidens is about the things that pass my time - and perhaps feed my heart a little too :-)
Incidentally, I read somewhere recently (Frieda Hughes in the Times last week?) that no-one can say they don't like poetry; it's just that they haven't found the right poem yet. That does sound a bit like the gut-wrenchingly vomit-inducing phrase "There are no strangers here, only friends you haven't met yet", but I applaud the sentiment.

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